In Search For Profits

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Free wireless-capable Palm Pilot i705 PDA when opening an account with Ameritrade

Minimum balance $5,000. Offer ends February 29, 2004.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Ranking of Nanotech stocks:
Percentage of increase since 24-November/3-December prices.

BIPH.OB253% nanomagnetic MRI shielding
PFCE.OB145% fuel cell carbo nanotubes
TINY150% Cap invest in nanotech
USGA.OB117% nanotech armor plate
NGEN113% key patent nano
CTT87% Hi risk -nanoparticle bone biomaterial
JMAR107% laser nano chipmaking spintronics
NANX88% nanocrystals nanomaterials
MFIC.OB96% nanoparticles microfluidizer equip
OBDCF.PK63% spintronics
ACO60% owns Nanocor plastic clay composite
NNOS.OB47% Nanosignal ATF
PCOP45% research
TGAL51% possible nano-etching technology
ELN47% hi risk
WEDX38% owns Nucryst - nanocrystaline metals
ROBE.OB38% particle nanocluster mfg process
ALTI43% -
SMMX33% research
NANO31% not nano microscale mfg losing
SPHRF.PK31% drug delivery
NPCT.OB9% electronics connection system Nanopierce
NVEC19% MRAM Josh Wolfe
AGNT10% nano purification & bioanalytical analy
FEIC15% Supplies advanced microscopy tools
NVMI13% possible nano-etch
HDWR12% hydrogen peroxide using nanocatalyst
HPQ15% molecular transistors & switches
GE9% Fort500 player nanoaluminum
NNPP.OB3% carbon nanotube nanoflat tv June04
VECO8% Supplies advanced microscopy tools
UTEK5% nanolithography
MDT6% Med equip maker may benefit
CBT5% Bought Superior MicroPowder
FLML3% French pharma nice pipln nanodrug delivr
DD4% Fort500 player
INTC-1% Fort500 player
IBM5% nano storage & nanotube transistors
SKYE-6% -

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

An interesting TASR report:

From the Rubin Investment Group.

One way bet: gold, up.

That is what says Dr. Steve Sjuggerud:

"Fortunately, the Fed is not hiking rates, and with the recent (reported) inflation numbers at 40-year lows, it doesn't appear that Greenspan will raise rates for a while.

Mainstream investors still aren't (though perhaps not for much longer): gold.

With interest rates close to zero, gold actually poses competition to paper money...

When given a choice between government-printed paper money paying 5% interest, and gold paying no interest, most folks take the paper money - they figure it's a risk worth taking.

But when the government-printed paper money pays no interest, and the government behind the money is in debt somewhere between $80,000 and $400,000 per household in America, then gold looks more attractive.

Right now, the government does not look likely to raise interest rates in the near term. And based on that, gold will continue to be a one-way bet - up!

The "one-way bet" is a simple idea... if inflation is dead, the government will print money to create inflation (really to prevent deflation), causing the price of gold to rise. And if inflation appears, gold will rise even more, as the dollar continues to fall, until the Fed seriously starts hiking interest rates multiple times.

There is plenty of room for gold to move higher, even though it has already moved significantly. Triple-digit gains are still possible."

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