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Tuesday, December 09, 2003
Sunday, December 07, 2003
In it, for the first time, I saw the "stock symbol" ABCD being mentioned: "Amalgamated Baloney and Consolidated Drivel". The wildlife of the internet stock trading is described and characters such as Tokyo Joe, Anthony@Pacific (short seller) and Steve Pluvia (short seller) are profiled. But most importantly, I read an explanation about reverse mergers. A lot of companies went through the time-consuming and expensive SEC process to be listed as public companies. Many of these fail but still exist legally with (most likely worthless) shares in the market. Some private firms looking to go public contact these failed public companies and merge with them. The shell company "acquires" (sort of) the private company and the "owners" give the majority of the public company stock in exchange, effectively transfering the control to the owners of the private firm. Frequently, the new owners change the public company name to match the formerly private firm name. That is a reverse merger. It is legal and used by legitimate business owners, but can also be used by crooks to avoid the government's attention. The writer John R Emshwiller also is co-author of "24 Days", a book about the Enron crash.
Past articles Dow trading range UIC - unmanned aerial vehicles TASR shorts stunned Some good links Bill Gross recommendations Gold laggards Silver stocks AGIX - pill for cardiac disease Asia's leading companies Ameritrade offers free palm pilot Ranking of nanotech stocks Interesting TASR report Gold up Marc Faber's outlook for 2004 Best metals stocks / short squeeze candidates Highest insider buying levels TD Waterhouse's free trades Stocks with potential Chile ADRs Nanotech V (big players) Mr Market picks KSWS Oil, stocks and the dollar FLML nanoencapsulation for drug delivery Nanotech IV Nanotech III (penny stocks) Scam dogs / reverse merger Comcast graphing tool Mr Market picks CFC Nanotech II Nanotech I More VOIP plays Japanese stocks Insider buys Russia's Gazprom China's booming economy UTSI CHA CHL CHU - Chinese telecom News worthy of due diligence EGHT NTOP TGLO - Voice over IP NTE stock splits Cool machine from Deere Antifreeze proteins Study favors value stocks Better indicators than P/E New stocks in the NASDAQ Biotech index RFID technology Brazilian ADRs Some stocks with nice price action NEXM anti-impotence cream Value plays with momentum Canadian ECA AGU TRP ONCY killing cancer with a virus RFID technology More about the Russian crisis Russian crisis opportunity Calandra's IVAN ITRA CRESY Russian ADRs VAR killing cancer tumors TASR conference call highlights TMNG consulting to telecom Mr Market is HUGE - new forum ALAN prison technology EGOV automating goverment Lot of real estate articles 28 days moving average Banks - high % if bad loans Retirement community REITs ARTX armor & electric buses ARGY.OB fuel cell EVOL - Phone number portability War on Terror may benefit TASR and XYBR Oil Apocalypse may benefit PTR and SYNM DHB makes bulletproof vests REIT mini portfolio A defense portfolio with TASR What fuels this rally? NSANY increased earnings CMGI up in volume VNWI sold for less than cash ALV - car bumper saves pedestrians ICOS - alternative to Viagra OPEC may cutback production |