In Search For Profits

Saturday, December 20, 2003

John Mauldin talks about oil, stock prices and the dollar

Check it out!

Monday, December 15, 2003

Flamel, nano-encapsulation for drug delivery

Josh Wolfe, Co-Founder of Lux Capital and editor of the Forbes Nanotech Report, is recommending Flamel Technologies calling attention to the company's improved cash position.

It seems Merrill Lynch expects a 30% run on this stock.

Check it out!

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Nanotechnology IV

Some more nanotechnology related stocks.

Medtronic Inc (MDT, $48.05 on 12/12/03) - Medtronic sells medical equipment for helping to treat chronic diseases. Medtronic's InSync implantable pacemaker uses a tiny machine called accelerometer that monitors heart activity and the pacemaker has received approval from a FDA advisory panel. Vice President Dick Cheney uses a pacemaker from Medtronic.

FEI Company (FEIC, $21.64 on 12/12/03) - FEI Company markets microscopy tools using charged particle beam technology and 3D Structural Process Management solutions for NanoMetrology and NanoFabrication. FEI's products allow advanced three-dimensional metrology, device editing, trimming and structural analysis for management of sub-micron structures including those found in integrated circuits, high density magnetic storage devices, industrial materials, chemical compounds and biological structures. These tools let researchers work and view at the nano scale. It is a nanotechnology infrastructure player like Veeco.

Cabot Corp (CBT, $32.35 on 12/12/03) - Cabot Corporation deals with specialty chemicals, performance materials and specialty fluids. Cabot acquired Superior MicroPowders, which provides materials to next generation fuel cell makers such as nanopowders and nanostructured coatings.

Pharmacopeia (PCOP, $12.50 on 12/12/03) - Pharmacopeia provides a software (Accelrys) that allow nanotech researchers to visualize, model and simulate matter at the nanoscale and this will be helpful for finding new materials, drug delivery and drug discovery.

Ultratech Inc (UTEK, $27.84 on 12/12/03) - Ultratech markets photolithography equipment for manufacturers of various nanotechnology components such as thin film head magnetic recording devices. The company has a nanotechnology stepper that was considered by MICRO Magazine one of the top 25 products in 2002.

Headwaters Inc (HDWR, $19.35 on 12/12/03) - Headwaters focus on converting fossil fuels such as gas, coal and heavy oils into alternative, less polutant fuels. Hydrocarbon Technologies, a subsidiary company, is using nanocatalysts to improve fuel manufacturing efficiency.

Competitive Technologies (CTT, $2.02 on 12/12/03) - Through licences and royalties, Competitive Technologies commercializes technologies in life, digital, nano and physical sciences. The company will market a nanoparticle bone biomaterial for skeletal repair. It is a sort of bone cement that hardens itself quickly stabilizing a fractured bone. Six major pharmaceutical companies are currently reviewing the product.

Nova Measuring Instruments (NVMI, $6.19 on 12/12/03) - Nova is an Israel company that produces measuring and control systems used in the semiconductor manufacturing. I am not sure the company can benefit from nanotechnology or if it has nanoetching capabilities!

Amcol International (ACO, $16.90 on 12/12/03) - Amcol produces caly composites for industrial, consumer and environmental markets. It owns Nanocor, a company that has about 30 patents and makes nanoclays as sag control additives for plastic resins used in packaging and flame retardants.

MDT $48.05 on 12/12/03
FEIC $21.64 on 12/12/03
CBT $32.35 on 12/12/03
PCOP $12.50 on 12/12/03
UTEK $27.84 on 12/12/03
HDWR $19.35 on 12/12/03
CTT $2.02 on 12/12/03
NVMI $6.19 on 12/12/03
ACO $16.90 on 12/12/03

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