Friday, September 26, 2003
Check out Mr. Market's new forum!
Mr Market's methods really work. I have been investing profitably from some of Mr Market's selections. Here is some of MrMarket winners I watched since June after he mentioned them the first time in his top 5 selections:
SSYS +61%
MAXF +32%
APPX +65%
CSNT +15%
FCFS +38%
ASFI +24%
COH +11%
ADVP +25%
SFCC +41%
OZRK +12%
CMBC +9%
NARA +9%
PRX +18%
SYNO +14%
Some of the stocks he mentioned went down but at the maximum of -17.45% which was BSTE. Limited losses, unlimited winners. The winners more than compensate losses like these. To me that seems a good formula for investing, to say the least.
He follows a very well defined method of selecting stocks and then explains clearly the reasons why he bought the stock. You cannot be more transparent than that.
$$$ Mr. Market is HUGE $$$
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
ALAN - a penny stock that popped up on my screen yesterday
Utilizing wrist-worn inmate transmitters and belt-worn officer safety units, Alanco's TSI PRISM tracking system tracks and records the location of everyone in a prison facility every second of every day, providing a unique historical database for post-incident investigations and disciplinary proceedings. Proprietary anti-tampering features automatically detect and record any attempt to remove transmitters worn by inmates and staff. Inmates quickly learn that they are being continuously monitored and can no longer hide their activities nor depend on a "silent" inmate population to cover their prohibited behavior.
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
The Profit Hog's Volume Spike Alert strikes again.
NIC Inc (NasdaqNM: EGOV) is up more than 18% today on almost 5x average volume. The company offers electronic/Internet services to State governments to allow citizens to pay parking tickets online, renew vehicle registration and other services like that. They have contracts with more than 25 governments, more than $47 million in annual revenue and have had volume spikes before. Mr. Hicks recommended it today to his Profit Hog's subscribers.
A lot of real estate articles:
Benny Kass is the author of the weekly Housing Counsel column with The Washington Post for nearly 30 years and a specialist in real estate legal areas as commercial and residential financing, closings, foreclosures and workouts.
Check it out!
tip from TheWheelerman in the TEI Board
Monday, September 22, 2003
The simple 28 days moving average method
From the BeyondTEI Yahoo Group:
Buy or hold stocks trading above the 28 DMA and sell stocks going below the 28-d Daily Moving Average.
This method have studied by the Chicago School of Business and explained in the Stock and Commodity magazine. As per the investor Johnamj from the Yahoo BGO board, if you just traded 5 Fidelity Select funds, kept the money in only funds trading over the 28 DMA, on average over a 10 year period you would return about 33% per
Another investor from the BGO board, fcaseymgt, described an experiment he did with the aid of a statician. He tried similar methods with 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, and every plus 5 days until periods of 60 days. He noticed that the best relative performer was the 25-30 day period over all histories 1989-1998. Shorter terms produced noise and longer periods failed at turns.
Even if there were no reason for this method to work, it seems it would have the ability to tell the investor to keep the winners and sell the losers soon.
Sunday, September 21, 2003
From a Safe Money Report advertisement:
According to Martin Weiss, banks with high percentage of bad loans (I could not verify the authenticity of these numbers):
Citibank | $8.4 bi | JP Morgan Chase | $1.4 bi | Wachovia | $2.1 bi | Washington Mutual | $1.8 bi | Fleet NB | $3.1 bi | Bank One | $2.5 bi | US Bank | $1.4 bi | Merrill Lynch | $214 mi | World Savings | $318 mi | LaSalle Bank | $472 mi | Deutsche Bank | $1.6 bi |
It seems all that money is or was owed by Global Crossing, Kmart, Budget Group, GenTek, Kaiser Aluminum, McLeod USA, Metromedia, US Airways, Williams Communications, NTL, Enron, HealthSouth, Qwest Communications, Sprint PCS, Corning, Lucent, Nortel Networks, and other telecom, cable and energy companies.
As per Martin Weiss, these banks have the largest derivative holdings:
JP Morgan Chase | $28,432 bi | Bank of America | $12,467 bi | Citibank | $8,381 bi | Wachovia Bank | $2,041 bi | Bank One | $1,090 bi | Wells Fargo | $668 bi | HSBC Bank USA | $670 bi | Fleet | $435 bi | Bank of New York | $425 bi | State Street B&T | $235 bi | National City Bank | $166 bi | National City Bank of IN | $115 bi | Standard Federal Bank | $111 bi | Mellon Bank | $88 bi | LaSalle Bank | $72 bi | Keybank | $71 bi | Suntrust Bank | $69 bi | PNC Bank | $47 bi | US Bank | $42 bi | Deutsche Bank | $43 bi | First Tennessee Bank | $28 bi | Merrill Lynch Bank | $23 bi | Comercia Bank | $20 bi | Capital One Bank | $18 bi | Union Bank of CA | $17 bi |
Some of Taipan Group's predictions III
Aging Baby Boomers will increase demand for healthcare: This aging generation refuses to behave older as the previous one did. The try to extend their lifestyle through sports, cosmetic surgery, fitness equipments, medicine, hair re-growth and a lot of other methods. Companies that make new drugs, generic drugs with patents expired, anti-obesity and age related drugs can profit in this scenario.
As baby boomers age, the demand for retirement, assisted living and healthcare facilities will also increase in the next 10 years.
[A good company would be ICOS Copr. It manufactures Cialis with Eli Lilly & Co. Cialis is a competitor to Viagra that produces instant erection and no side effects. I still need to find out about a company that dominates about 400 drugs, mostly injectables. There is another company has drugs that cure metabolic disorders, melanoma, asthma and leukemia and has deals with Park-Davis, Proctor & Gamble, Pfizer and Hoffman-LaRoche. Another one has a diabetic drug with growing sales and another company is the number one in over-the-counter sales.
REITs that own retirement communities and their respective dividends: NHP (8.5%), HR (7.9%), NHR (7.9%), HCN (7.6%), HCP (7.4%), NHI (7.4%), UHT (7.3%), VTR (6%), LTC (4.3%), WRS (3.4%), OHI (0%)]
Past articles
Dow trading range
UIC - unmanned aerial vehicles
TASR shorts stunned
Some good links
Bill Gross recommendations
Gold laggards
Silver stocks
AGIX - pill for cardiac disease
Asia's leading companies
Ameritrade offers free palm pilot
Ranking of nanotech stocks
Interesting TASR report
Gold up
Marc Faber's outlook for 2004
Best metals stocks / short squeeze candidates
Highest insider buying levels
TD Waterhouse's free trades
Stocks with potential
Chile ADRs
Nanotech V (big players)
Mr Market picks KSWS
Oil, stocks and the dollar
FLML nanoencapsulation for drug delivery
Nanotech IV
Nanotech III (penny stocks)
Scam dogs / reverse merger
Comcast graphing tool
Mr Market picks CFC
Nanotech II
Nanotech I
More VOIP plays
Japanese stocks
Insider buys
Russia's Gazprom
China's booming economy
UTSI CHA CHL CHU - Chinese telecom
News worthy of due diligence
EGHT NTOP TGLO - Voice over IP
NTE stock splits
Cool machine from Deere
Antifreeze proteins
Study favors value stocks
Better indicators than P/E
New stocks in the NASDAQ Biotech index
RFID technology
Brazilian ADRs
Some stocks with nice price action
NEXM anti-impotence cream
Value plays with momentum
Canadian ECA AGU TRP
ONCY killing cancer with a virus
RFID technology
More about the Russian crisis
Russian crisis opportunity
Russian ADRs
VAR killing cancer tumors
TASR conference call highlights
TMNG consulting to telecom
Mr Market is HUGE - new forum
ALAN prison technology
EGOV automating goverment
Lot of real estate articles
28 days moving average
Banks - high % if bad loans
Retirement community REITs
ARTX armor & electric buses
ARGY.OB fuel cell
EVOL - Phone number portability
War on Terror may benefit TASR and XYBR
Oil Apocalypse may benefit PTR and SYNM
DHB makes bulletproof vests
REIT mini portfolio
A defense portfolio with TASR
What fuels this rally?
NSANY increased earnings
CMGI up in volume
VNWI sold for less than cash
ALV - car bumper saves pedestrians
ICOS - alternative to Viagra
OPEC may cutback production